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Managing Styles


Style Class Diagram

Defining Styles

Style Sample

Three shortcut context variables are available from QML to access default styles: defaultNodeStyle, defaultEdgeStyle, defaultGroupStyle.

QuickQanava provide a ready to use visual Qan.StyleListView component for visualizing, editing styles and dragging them visually on existing graph content.

Node Style

Property Description Default Sample
backRadius Background rectangle border (corner) radius 4.0
backOpacity Background item opacity 0.85 (85% opaque) 1.0 opacity and 0.30 opacity
fillType Background fill (NodeStyle.FillGradient or NodeStyle.FillSolid) FillSolid fillType=Gradient with baseColor 'violet' and backColor 'blue'
backColor Background color white
baseColor Background color used as base (ie top-left) color in gradient fill white baseColor 'violet' and backColor 'blue'
borderColor Node border line color black
borderWidth Node border line width 1.0
effectType Node effect, either EffectNone, EffectShadow (drop shadow) or EffectGlow Qan.NodeStyle.EffectShadow effectType=EffectShadow and EffectGlow
effectEnabled Set to false to disable effect (much more efficient than setting effectType to EffectNone true
effectColor Effect color (ie drop shadow or glow effect color) darkgrey 'violet' drop shadow
effectRadius Effect radius 8.0 4.0 and 20.0 drop shadow radius
effectOffset Effect offset (used only for NodeStyle.EffectShadow) 4.0 4.0 and 15.0 drop shadow offset

Material Styling

There is easy to use properties shortcuts in Qan.GraphView and Qan.Graph to bind UI elements colors to a Qt Quick Controls 2 theme. The following sample show the minimal necessary binding to support Light and Dark mode when using the Qt Quick Material style:

import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.1
import QuickQanava               2.0 as Qan
import "qrc:/QuickQanava"        as Qan

Qan.GraphView {
    resizeHandlerColor: Material.accent
    gridThickColor: Material.theme === Material.Dark ? "#4e4e4e" : "#c1c1c1"
    topology: Qan.Graph {
        // ...
        selectionColor: Material.accent
        connectorColor: Material.accent
        connectorEdgeColor: Material.accent
        // ...
    } // Qan.Graph
    // ...
} // Qan.GraphView