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QuickQanava Utilities


Qan.BottomRightResizer add a "resize handler" ont the bottom right of a target QML Item. Bottom right resizer component is automatically initialized in the QuickQanava::initialize method, it has no dependencies on QuickQanava and could be used in an isolated project just by copying its source code: qanBottomRightResizer.h and qanBottomRightResizer.cpp with a call to qmlRegisterType<qan::BottomRightResizer>( "YourModule", 1, 0, "BottomRightResizer");



// From c++:
qmlRegisterType<qan::BottomRightResizer >("YourModule", 1, 0, "BottomRightResizer");

 // From QML:
import YourModule 1.0 as Qan

Item {
    id: targetItem
    Qan.BottomRightResizer { target: targetItem }

Resizer not necessarilly has to be in target (host) sibling, Qan.BottomRightResizer could be defined outside of target item hierarchy, for example to avoid corrupting the target childrenRect property. It is however more efficient to use the resizer as a target child (most common case).

Right and bottom resizer are also available, see: qan::RightResizer and qan::BottomResizer.
